Import Experience Technical Notes

Mapping of ROSS Assignment History Data Items to IQSweb Incident/Experience Data Items

The table below lists the data items contained in the ROSS Assignment History Report and the mapping of that data to IQSweb Incidents and Experience records.


ROSS Assignment History

Report Data Items

Mapping to IQSweb Data


Used to match to RC ID in IQSweb

Req ID

Not mapped

Incident Number

Incident Number

Incident Name

Incident Name

Incident Type

Incident Hazard Type

(see code translation below, ROSS code added to experience comment)

Initial Date

Incident Start Date

Req Number (add to Comment)

Not mapped (added to experience comment)

Filled Catalog Item Code

Experience Job Code

Filled Catalog Item Name

Not mapped

Experience Type

Experience Type (see code translation below)

Last Name

Last Name

First Name

First Name

Middle Name

Middle Name

Dispatch Org

Not mapped

Provider Unit

Not mapped

Start Date w/ Travel

Experience Date

End Date w/ Travel

Not mapped

Days Assigned

Operational Periods

Not in ROSS file

Incident Management Level

Not in ROSS file

Incident Size Class

Not in ROSS file

Incident Fuel Type

Not in ROSS file


Not in ROSS file


Not in ROSS file




Incident Types from ROSS Translated to IQS Hazard Codes

The ROSS Incident Types are listed below.  The IQS Hazard Code that is applied to each incident type is displayed in parenthesis to the right of each Incident Type.


Accident - Aircraft (AC)

Accident - Marine (AH)

Accident - Rail (AH)

Accident - Structure (AH)

Accident - Vehicle (AH)

Animal Health Emergency (AH)

Earthquake (ND)

Emergency Stabilization/BAER (WF)

Fire - Debris/Product (WF)

Fire - Other (AH)

Fire - Prescribed (RX)

Fire - Structure (ST)

Fire - Vehicle (AH)

Fire - Wildfire (WF)

Fire Rehabilitation (WF)

Flooding (ND)

Hazard - Biological/Toxic (HZ)

Hazard - Explosive/Electric (HZ)

Hazard - Flammable (HZ)

Hazard - Other (HZ)

Hazard - Radioactive/Nuclear (HZ)

Hurricane/Typhoon (ND)

Mass Earth Movement/Avalanche (ND)

Other Support (AH)

Plant Health Emergency (AH)

Preparedness/Preposition (AH)

Program Support - Law Enforce (LE)

Program Support - Mgt (AH)

Program Support - Resource (AH)

Public Assist - Community (AH)

Public Assist - Infrastructure (AH)

Public Assist - Medical (AH)

Public Assist - Public Service (AH)

S & R - Marine (US)

S & R - Medical Assist (US)

S & R - Urban (US)

S & R - Wildland (WS)

Severe Winter Weather (ND)

Thunderstorm/Tornado/Wind (ND)

Training - Classroom (PE)

Training - OJT (PE)

Training - Proficiency (PE)

Training - Simulation (PE)

Tsunami (ND)

Volcano (ND)

Null value (do not load)



Experience Types from ROSS - Translated to IQS Experience Types

The ROSS Experience Types are listed below.  In parenthesis to the right of each type is the IQS experience code translation.  Experience records with types of UNQUALIFIED , UNKNOWN and BLOCKED are not imported from the report file into IQSweb.  Also if the experience type is Null, those records are not imported into IQSweb.


UNQUALIFIED N (do not import)

UNKNOWN U (do not import)



BLOCKED B (do not import)

Null value (do not import)


Import Experience Program Flow