Moving Resource between Dispatch Centers

During initial entry of a firefighter’s data on the Person/Org screen the user has the option of choosing a Dispatch Center and a Provider.  Once that firefighter has been created and their data has been uploaded into ROSS, the IQS user no longer has the ability to change the Dispatch Center for that firefighter.   Changing a firefighter’s Dispatch Center is basically a two step process: one step in IQS and the second step being done in ROSS.  Examples and guidelines are provided for the following scenarios:


Scenario 1 – Moving a firefighter to a dispatch center in a different state (IQS to IQS)

John Firefighter from MN DNR got a job with the Montana DNRC.  

Montana contacts Minnesota to see if they can get John’s IQS record.  They also tell Minnesota that John’s new Dispatch Center will be MT-MDC.

Sending Unit (Minnesota)

  1. In IQSweb ROSS Management screen go to Get Notification’s tab.  Enter your ROSS username and Password.  Get Notifications in case there are ROSS notifications on John Firefighter.

  2. In IQSweb, Minnesota prints a Person’s Master Record for John Firefighter for their files (MN also can save the master record as a PDF to send to MT or save electronically depending upon your state’s data retention policy).  

  3. Minnesota uses the IQSweb Transfer Out feature to transfer John Firefighter’s record out of their database

  4. In IQSweb Ross Management screen John Firefighter should be cued up on the Send Updates tab for a Remove.  Send the ROSS update and retrieve the result.

  5. This will put John Firefighter’s ROSS records into the Resource Clearinghouse.  This step should be done before the records are transferred to Montana.

  6. Email Montana the IQSweb Transfer .zip file and a PDF copy of John’s records. The zip file now includes John's attachments (if he has any) and a copy of the his Master Record.

Receiving Unit (Montana)

  1. Receive email from Minnesota with the IQS .zip file containing the .xml file and any attachments that were on the record for John Firefighter.

  2. In IQSweb, Transfer In John Firefighter’s records.  Assign Org Levels for John Firefighter in the State of Montana.

  3. In IQSweb, go to the Person/Org screen for John Firefighter.  Make sure the new organization levels for John are correct and the ROSS box is checked (if they will be a ROSS resource).

  4. In IQSweb ROSS Management, John Firefighter should be cued up on the Send Updates tab for a Create.  Send the update and retrieve the result.

  5. A data steward will contact you to verify that John Firefighter is the same John Firefighter that exists as a clearinghouse record previously belonging to MN DNR.  The ROSS clearinghouse data steward will merge the records and send a notification to MT-MDC with the Clearinghouse ID.  In IQSweb ROSS Management screen go to Get Notification’s tab.  Enter your ROSS username and Password and Get Notifications to retrieve the RC ID from ROSS.

Scenario 2 – Moving a firefighter from a state agency to a federal agency (IQS to IQCS)

Jeremy S. Jones worked last season with Montana DNRC.  He has secured employment with Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin.


Sending Unit (Montana)

    1. In IQSweb Reports, print a Persons Master Record for Jeremy Jones. Export a PDF version of the master record and save (A copy will be sent to the receiving unit and a copy should be kept by the sending unit).

    2. In IQSweb Person Org screen, locate Jeremy Jones’s record, click Edit this Person and uncheck the ROSS box.  

    3. In IQSweb ROSS Management Send Updates tab, Jeremy should be cued up for a Remove.  Send update and retrieve results.

    4. Jeremy’s ROSS record will now be in the ROSS clearinghouse waiting for an agency to claim him.

    5. Montana can Transfer Out Jeremy's record to the Necedah NWR.  (Note: this will remove Jeremy's record from the Montana IQS database.  See Transfer Out for specific directions on this process.)  Montana e-mails Necedah NWR and/or Jeremy the PDF of his IQS Persons Master Record and if they used the IQS Transfer Out process a .zip file containing his IQS record and any attachments.

Receiving Unit (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)

    1. If Montana DNRC has provided an IQS Transfer Out .zip file, Necedah NWR will import the information into IQCS and will augment the file with the information from the hard copy of the IQS Persons Master Record and any other information provided by Jeremy (copies of certificates, task books etc) to create a new record for Jeremy in IQCS.

    2. When Necedah uploads Jeremy’s IQCS record to the Resource Clearinghouse, the ROSS clearinghouse data stewards will verify that Jeremy is the same resource that was previously at MT-DNRC and will merge the records.


Scenario 3 – Moving a firefighter from a federal agency (IQCS) to a state agency (IQS)

Matthew Vincent Smith was a firefighter with the Chippewa National Forest who has now been hired as an employee of the Minnesota DNR.


    1. MN DNR contacts the Chippewa National Forest IQCS coordinator and requests a data transfer (in IQCS this is referred to as an IQI Export).  MNDNR also requests a copy of Matthew Vincent Smith’s IQCS Master Record and any other copies of course certificates etc they might be willing to share.  (Note: to get a copy of Matthew’s IQCS Master Record he must be active in the IQCS. To have his data transferred to IQS the IQCS administrator must make Matthew inactive (INAC) in their system. If MNDNR wants a copy of Matthews Master Record the Chippewa NF needs to print it before they start their transfer out process.)

    2. In IQCS they need to change the SetID and Org Code to NWCG0 and INAC.  Only IQCS inactive responders can have their data exported to IQS.  The IQCS administrator will create a file with a .xml file extension that can be emailed to the MNDNR IQS manager

    3. MNDNR can now use the Transfer In process to create a new IQS record for Matthew Vincent Smith.  See Tools/Transfer In for specific directions.

    4. If Matthew Vincent Smith will be a ROSS resource for the MN DNR, then the ROSS box on the Person/Org page needs to be checked.  In addition, any ROSS certifications should be checked.

    5. Matthew will be cued up on the ROSS Management Send Updates page for a Register if he has valid ROSS certifications.  Send the update and Retrieve Results.

    6. When you Retrieve Results you will most likely see that Matthew is flagged as a potential duplicate resource.  

    7. The Clearinghouse will compare records and contact the MN DNR to verify that this is the same firefighter.  Make sure that your email address and phone number in your IQS user profile is correct as this is the information that the data steward will use to contact you.

      The Clearinghouse operates Monday through Friday 8:00 to 4:30 Mountain Time.  If you submit a potential duplicate record over a weekend it may take until the next work week to clear it.

    8. Under IQS ROSS Management check your Get Notifications.  When the record has been cleared you will receive a notification back from ROSS of Matthew Smith’s Clearinghouse ID.

    9. Click on the ROSS Management Send Updates tab and you should see Matthew cued up on the page as a Create.  Send Updates and Retrieve Results.


Scenario 4 – Moving a state firefighter to a different location in the state in a different dispatch center

Susan Hunt is a New Mexico state employee who is moving from a Job in Taos New Mexico to Sante Fe New Mexico.  Even though she has not changed employers, her dispatch center will change.


  1. In IQSweb on the Person/Org Screen change Susan’s org levels to reflect the move from Taos to Santa Fe.  This must be done by a person who has IQSweb OLA access for both the sending and receiving orgs.

  2. In ROSS change Susan’s dispatch center from Taos Interagency Dispatch Center (NMTDC) to Santa Fe Interagency Dispatch Center (NMSFC).  This is a two-step process.  The sending unit first releases the person from their dispatch org, and then the receiving unit re-assigns the person to their dispatch org and provider org.  Both people must have ROSS resource admin rights to perform the dispatch org reassignment steps.

  3. In IQSweb ROSS Management page go to the Get Notifications tab.  You should receive notification that Susan Hunt’s dispatch center has been changed.  This must be done by a person who has IQSweb OLA for the receiving org.


Scenario 5 – EXCEPTION: ROSS Transfers a record to a different Dispatch in ROSS before IQS completes one of the above scenarios.

This example describes transferring from State to State but it applies to any transfer.   The solution is to get the record back to the original format at the dispatch that had controlled the IQS record.


Susan Hunt is a New Mexico state employee who is moving from a job in Taos NM at Taos Interagency Dispatch Center, NM-TDC, to Flagstaff Interagency Dispatch Center, AZ-FDC.   The Dispatcher at Taos  NM-TDC, changes Susan’s Dispatch Center in ROSS to Flagstaff Interagency Dispatch Center, AZ-FDC.  At this point the IQS Data Managers at NM or AZ are unable to edit her record.   One of the following steps should correct this.


  1. If the transfer is completed in ROSS (a new provider has been selected for the resource at Flagstaff) the record can be moved back to Taos by changing the Dispatch.  The Provider must be changed back to what the original record at Taos was (IQS and ROSS must match).  Scenario #1 can then be completed.

  2. If the transfer is not completed in ROSS (a provider has not been selected for the resource at Flagstaff) the dispatcher at Taos can cancel the transfer and Scenario #1 can be completed.