

Welcome to the web-based version of the Incident Qualifications System (IQSweb).   The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) in cooperation with the USDA-Forest Service developed IQS in 1997 and IQSweb in 2008.   


IQSweb is a software program that allows the user to track incident Qualifications, Training, Experience, Target Positions, Task Books and Fitness Levels for individuals within various organizations throughout your agency.   IQS also allows the user to analyze an organization's workforce requirements and schedule training based upon the agency's needs for incident management personnel.   


IQSweb is designed to track all-hazard training and qualifications; however the job classifications, qualifications and training courses included in the data base are from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Wildland Fire Qualification Subsystem Guide, PMS 310-1 as well as other supporting documentation such as the Field Managers Course Guide PMS 901-1.


The system allows the user to add locally defined job qualifications and job prerequisites, and training courses.  Other hazard applications may be added to the system if your agency has recognized training, certification and qualification standards for a specific hazard application, such as law enforcement or urban search and rescue.  If an agency wants to use this system for other hazard applications, then job classifications, qualifications and training courses need to be entered in the same format as the NWCG Wildland Fire Qualification Subsystem Guide, PMS 310-1.


States using IQSweb can exchange data between IQS Systems and other compatible databases such as ROSS.  Starting with V3.1 of IQSweb, users were able to exchange data with the Federal IQCS (Incident Qualification and Certification System).  This facilitates the exchange of information between local, regional and national IQS and IQCS system users.


The intent of NASF is to continue this project and develop future versions of this program.   If you have any comments to improve the performance of the program or include additional features please direct your comments to IQS Development Team, NASF, 444 N.  Capitol Street NW, Suite 540, Washington DC 20001


For information on how to navigate the IQSweb Help click on the How to Use IQSweb Help link.



IQSweb Help Last Updated by TEC -1/23/2018