Edit Job Currency

Existing job currency within IQS can be edited.

Steps to edit Job Currency

  1. Place your cursor over Reference Data and left click on the sub-option Job Currency.

  2. A screen will appear with the top portion being display only of the jobs available in the IQS database accessed by a drop-down list.

  3. At  the bottom of the screen you will see "Jobs that maintain currency for selected job".  That is where you will add, edit, and delete information.

  4. Left click on the Drop-down list button  Drop-down list.  

  5. Scroll down the list and left click on the job that you would like to edit currency for.

  6. Find the job that you would like to edit under the heading "Jobs that maintain currency for selected jobs".

  7. Left click on the Edit button  Editon  that  line.

  8. You can use the drop-down lists by left clicking on the Drop-down list button  Drop-down list.  You can also select data by using your up and down arrow keys on your computer keyboard to navigate through the list.  Left click on the job you have selected.

  9. The fields highlighted in green are required fields.

  10. Left click on the Update button Update  to save the edited information.

  11. Left click on the Cancel button  Cancel if you do not wish to save.


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