Qualifications to Expire

This report lists the individuals with qualifications to expire by a given date for a selected position. The filter State-NWCG is required for this report. The Job Code/Hazard Type filter is optional.  Report records are sorted alphabetically by job code and then by person.






  1. Place the cursor over Reports menu option and select Persons/Qualifications to Expire.

  2. Select the Organization to filter the list of available persons.  Your default OLA will be automatically displayed when entering this screen.  If you would like a different default OLA refer to change default OLA.

  3. From the list of available jobs, select the job(s) for which you want to run the report.  

    1. Select the job that you would like to view individuals whose qualifications are to expire by left clicking on the box to the left of the job.

    2. Use the Select All button  Select All if you want to select all jobs on the list.

    3. If you want to remove all of the selected job checkmarks from the list, left click the Remove All button  Remove All.  Left clicking on the checked box will un-select any job.

  4. Click on the Only ROSS Persons check box to filter the available persons. This is an optional step.  Leave blank to select persons regardless of whether they are a ROSS resource.

  5. Left click on an employment status to further filter the list of available persons.  This step is optional.  Leave blank for selecting persons with any Employment Status.

  6. Enter the Start Date and End Date range that you would like to view the individuals expiring qualifications.   When entering a date you can either enter the date manually or left click on the Calendar button Calendarand select by left clicking the date.

  7. Check the Display Email Addresses in appendix check box if you want the last page of the report to list the selected persons email addresses.

  8. Click the View Report button View Report to run the report.

  9. For information regarding the use of the report toolbar refer to Report Toolbar page.



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