by Incident

This report lists the persons who have been on a selected incident.  The persons who have experience recorded for the incident are listed alphabetically for each incident selected.


On the incident selection page, incidents are listed by the newest incident first. 


NOTE: Clicking the mouse on most of the column headings will allow the user to sort by that column in ascending  Ascending or descending  Descending order.



  1. Place the cursor over Reports menu option and select Persons/by Incident.

  2. Left click the check box check box  in the Selected column to select one or more incidents to report.

  3. Click on the Select All button Select All if you want to select every incident in the list for your report.  

  4. Click on the Remove All button  Remove All  if you want to un-check all the incidents you have selected.

  5. When you have the incidents selected, click the View Report button  View Report.

  6. For information regarding the use of the report toolbar refer to the Report Toolbar page.




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