Course Roster

This report is used to produce a course roster for a scheduled course. The roster contains individuals who currently have the course planned for the date of the scheduled course. The roster displays the course starting and ending date/time, facility, sponsor, instructor, and max size. The Scheduled Course filter is required for this report.



  1. Place your cursor over Reports and then Training and left click on the sub-option Course Roster..

  2. Left click the check box check box in the Selected column to select one or more courses to report.

  3. Click on the Select All button Select All if you want to select every course on the list for your report.  

  4. Click on the Remove All button  Remove All  if you want to un-check all the courses you have selected.

  5. The checkbox Display Email Addresses in Appendix is automatically checked.  Left click on the checkbox if you do not want a list of email addresses displayed on the last page of the report.

  6. When you have the courses selected, click the View Report button  View Report and a course roster will be displayed




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