Update Instructor Histories

This screen is used to update the instructor's history for instructors assigned to a scheduled course that has been completed.  An instructor's history can also be edited from this screen as well.



Steps to Update Instructor Histories

  1. Select Training/Course Schedule from the  IQS menu.

  2. Click on the Results link link, located under the "Post" column heading, next to the scheduled course for which you want to post course results.

  3. Click the Update Instructor Histories tab.

  4. A list of instructors defined for the scheduled course will be displayed in the grid.

  5. Click on the Copy button  Copy to copy the date and hours for this course into the Instructor's history.

  6. To edit an instructor history:    

    1. Click the Edit button Edit and make the desired changes to the instructor's information.

    2. You can use the drop-down lists to select data by left clicking on the Drop-down list button Drop-down list.  Then left click on the data you would like to select.  You can also select data by using your up and down arrow keys on your computer keyboard to navigate through the list. Enter the Date Taught, Hours, Level and Comments.

    3. When entering a date you can either enter the date manually or left click on the Calendar button Calendarand select by left clicking the date.

    4. Once making the desired edits to the instructor's data you can click on either the Insert button Insert to save or the Cancel buttonCancel to not save.

  7. Left click on  Return to Training Course Schedule link to return to the Course Schedule main screen.


Update Instructor Histories Field Definitions




Instructor Name

(Char, 100)

Name of instructor who taught course.

Date Taught


Date the course was taught.



Number of hours course was taught.


(Char, 4)

Capacity in which course was taught – Unit, Lead, Adjunct, Trainee.


(Char, 255)

Any pertinent comments


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