IQSweb Actions that Trigger ROSS Updates

IQSweb tracks user’s edits to individuals and determines if a particular action or edit through the interface would constitute sending an update to ROSS.  In addition, ROSS updates can also be triggered over time as a person’s qualifications, refresher training or fitness may expire.  The actions listed in the left most column will trigger IQSweb to identify an individual for a ROSS update.  The middle column lists the types of updates that could be triggered and the right most column indicates the conditions that need to be met in order for the update to be triggered.


User Actions that trigger a ROSS Update

ROSS Update Types that could be triggered

Conditions for Triggering the Update


  • Identify Person as a ROSS Person by checking the ROSS checkbox




If person has not been previously registered.


If Person has been previously registered.


  • Remove Person as a ROSS Person by un-checking the ROSS checkbox


If person is currently in ROSS.


  • Archive a Person in IQSweb  (Clicking the Archive button un-checks the ROSS checkbox, which is the actual trigger for the remove)


If person is currently in ROSS.


  • Un-Archive a Person in IQSweb and check the ROSS checkbox.




If person is marked as a ROSS individual and has not been previously registered.


If person is marked as a ROSS individual and was previously registered.


  • Modify a person’s Name, Provider, Emp. Status, Email Address, Phone number(s), Sex, Weight, or Jet Port


If person is currently in ROSS.


  • Modify a person’s fitness













If person is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS and a qualification not currently in ROSS becomes “ROSS ready” due to the change in fitness.


If person is currently in ROSS and still has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS, but no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.


  • Delete a person


If person is currently in ROSS.


  • Identify a person’s qualification as a ROSS qualification by checking the ROSS checkbox








If person is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and the checked qualification is “ROSS ready.”


If person is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and the checked qualification is “ROSS ready.”


If person is marked as a ROSS person, currently in ROSS and the checked qualification is “ROSS ready.”


  • Remove a person’s qualification as a ROSS qualification by un-checking the ROSS checkbox





If person is currently in ROSS and has at least one other “ROSS ready” ROSS qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS and does not have any other “ROSS ready” ROSS qualifications


  • Modify (add, delete or edit) a person’s qualifications directly or modify a refresher training, experience, or task book that affects their qualifications.











If person is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS and still has at least one “ROSS ready” ROSS qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS, but no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.

Post Fitness

  • Modify a person’s fitness (changing the fitness expirations date or fitness level can trigger a profile update and can also affect a qualification's "ROSS ready" status)













If person is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS and a qualification not currently in ROSS becomes “ROSS ready” due to the change in fitness.


If person is currently in ROSS and still has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS, but no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.

Post Experience or Import ROSS Experience

  • Add or edit an experience that maintains a qualification’s currency.


If affected qualification is in ROSS.

Post Refresher Training

  • Modify a refresher training.

Post Course Results

  • Modify a refresher training.











If person is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and now has at least one “ROSS ready” qualification.


If person is currently in ROSS and a qualification not currently in ROSS becomes “ROSS ready” due to the change in refresher training.


If person is currently in ROSS, but no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.

Delete Persons

  • Delete one or more persons


If person is currently in ROSS.

Transfer In

  • Transfer person(s) into IQSweb and mark them as a ROSS person




If person has not been registered in ROSS.


If person has previously been registered in ROSS.

Transfer Out

  • Transfer person(s) out of IQSweb


If person is currently in ROSS.

Passage of Time

  • Qualification is no longer current because it expires, fitness expires, or refresher training expires.





Any person who is currently in ROSS and still has at least one “ROSS ready” ROSS qualification.


Any person who is currently in ROSS and no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.

Reference Data

  • Change the abbreviation for a Provider Organization, Employment Status, or Jet Port


Any person who is currently in ROSS and they are assigned the Provider Organization, Employment Status, or Jet Port abbreviation that was changed.

Reference Data

  • Change the abbreviation for a Job










Any person who is marked as a ROSS person, has not been previously registered and now has a qualification with the abbreviation that was changed


Any person who is marked as a ROSS person, has been previously registered, is not currently in ROSS and now a qualification with the abbreviation that was changed.


Any person who is currently in ROSS and a qualification with the abbreviation that was changed.


Any person who is currently in ROSS, but no longer has any “ROSS ready” qualifications.



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