Identifying ROSS Resources in IQSweb

The IQSweb interface allows the user to identify a person as a ROSS Resource.  A ROSS Resource is defined as a person in IQSweb that should be sent to ROSS.






The IQSweb interface allows the user to identify a person’s qualification as a ROSS Qualification.  A ROSS Qualification is defined as a qualification in IQSweb that should be sent to ROSS.





Even though a person or qualification may be checked for ROSS, IQSweb will only consider valid qualifications in preparation for sending qualifications to ROSS.  The person must have at least one valid ROSS qualification to be sent to ROSS.  A valid ROSS Qualification must meet the currency requirements:

• The qualification is marked as a ROSS Qualification

• The qualification is NOT expired

• The person has satisfied the fitness requirement for the qualification (if Fitness is used by the agency)

• The person has satisfied the refresher training requirement for the qualification


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