
The top portion of the module displays information for a person.  The fields in this section are display only. Field definitions can be found in Person/Org.   When the user opens the module directly from the menu, the first person, in alphabetic order, will be displayed to which the user has been given access.  Click on the Person Link, located at the top left hand side of the screen, to go to the Person/Org page for the selected individual.


The qualifications tab displays any qualifications previously entered for the person.  Depending on their level of access, the user can add, edit and delete the qualifications from this screen.   Some users can also run the Incident Qualification Card report for the person by clicking that link at the bottom of the grid.

Qualification Currency

Qualifications must not be expired and also meet fitness and refresher training requirements for the position to be current.  Qualifications must meet currency requirements to either print on the Incident Qualification Card or be sent to ROSS.  The qualifications displayed on this screen will print on the Incident Qualification Card ONLY if they have a position priority and are current. Use the field “PosPr'y” (Position Priority) to indicate and prioritize the qualifications that will be printed on the card.  Qualifications must have a check mark in the ROSS column to be sent to ROSS.


Currency Red Flags:


The qualification expiration date must be greater than the current date for the qualification to be current.  The Expiration Date for Expired qualifications is shown in RED. Qualifications that will expire within 6 months (or a value you supplied in Administration/System Settings), the expiration date is shown in YELLOW. This serves as a warning to the training manager or dispatcher to possibly get that person an assignment before the qualification expires.


Values in the PosPr'y and ROSS columns are turned RED if the Fitness or Refresher Training requirements for the position are not currently met. These checks are done only for qualifications that have a position priority value or are checked as ROSS qualifications.  Hovering the cursor over the red flagged values in the PosPr'y column will allow you to see why those qualifications are not current and would not print on the Incident Qualification Card.  Red flagged values in the ROSS column indicate the qualification is not current and will  not be sent to ROSS.  The following checks are made for each qualification and the tool tip will display a warning for each check that does not pass:




NOTE: Clicking the mouse on most of the qualification column headings will allow the user to sort by that column in ascending  Ascending or descending  Descending order.


Use the vertical scroll bar   on the right of the page to move up and down the page if the list of people exceeds the page viewing area.



Steps to add, edit, or delete Qualifications


Qualification Field Definitions





*Qual Type

(Char, 5)

Code to indicate if qualification is job, trainee or skill (JOB, TRN, SKILL).  (Drop-down list)


(Char, 10))

The position code for the JOB, TRN, or SKILL.  (Drop-down list)


(Char, 2))

Hazard type of qualification.  (Display only)


(Char,100 )

Description of qualification code.   (Display only )

*Effective Date


Date qualification is effective.  Click on the calendar icon to select a date to be entered. (Date format mm/dd/yyyy).  The expiration date in the Expires column will be calculated after an effective date is selected.

*Expiration Date


Date qualification becomes lapsed.  This value is calculated based on the certification period of the qualifications.  Red indicates qualification has expired.  For TRN positions, the expiration is always 3 years from the effective date.  This date is automatically calculated when the effective date is entered or updated.  To manually change this date, click on the calendar icon to select a date to be entered. (Date format mm/dd/yyyy).


(Char, 50))

Name of person certifying the person's qualifications.  (Drop-down list)

Dispatch Level

(Char, 50))

Indicates the dispatch level to which this qualification is applicable. (NATIONAL, STATE, REGION, AGENCY SPECIFIC). This column can be used for filtering the qualifications that are printed on the Incident Qualification Card.  (Drop-down list)

Position Priority


Indicates the order of the position in which the person prefers to be dispatched.  IMPORTANT: Use this field to prioritize positions to be printed on the Incident Qualification Card.  If this field is null, the qualification will NOT print on the Incident Qualification Card. Valid entries are 1 - 99.



Indicates whether that person and their qualifications is a person the training manager wants sent to ROSS.  If the field is checked and the person is a ROSS person, this person will be displayed on the ROSS management screen if changes to their qualifications are made that will affect what might already be in ROSS.  When adding a new qualification of type TRN or JOB  this field is checked by default.


(Char, 255)

Any pertinent comments pertaining to the qualifications.

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