Scheduled List

Lists the training scheduled without the instructor/coordinator information.




  1. Place your cursor over Reports and then Training and left click on the sub-option Scheduled List.
  2. From the list of available courses, select the course(s) for which you want to run the report.  
  1. Select the course that you would like to view a list of the individuals who need a refresher course by left clicking on the box   to the left of the course.
  2. Use the Select All button   if you want to select all courses on the list.
  3. If you want to remove all of the selected course check marks from the list, left click the Remove All button  .  Left clicking on the checked box will un-select any course.
  1. Select the start date and end date you want the report to cover. When entering a date you can either enter the date manually or left click on the Calendar button and select by left clicking the date.
  2. Click the View Report button View Report  to run the report.
  3. Refer to Report Toolbar for information regarding the use of the toolbar.

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