Course Schedule

The Course Schedule screen is used to manage all scheduled courses.  From this screen, user can add, edit, or delete scheduled courses, select students for a course and post course results.


Steps to Use the Course Schedule Screen




          You will be prompted if you wish to open or save the file.  Chose the save file option if you wish to import into a calendar program.



Course Schedule Field Definitions






(Char, 10)

Course code.


(Char, 2)

The hazard type of the selected course. (Display only)

Course Title

(Char, 50)

The title of the selected course. (Display only)

Course Session

(Char, 10)

Session number of the course used when two courses with the same course code are scheduled

Start Date


Date the course is scheduled to begin.  Date entry format mm/dd/yyyy.  Click on calendar to select date to be entered.

End Date


Date the course is scheduled to end.  Date entry format mm/dd/yyyy.  Click on calendar to select date to be entered.


(Char, 50)

Name of the facility hosting the scheduled course.  (Drop-down list)

Start Time

(Char, 4)

Time the course is scheduled to start in military time (i.e. 0900).

End Time

(Char, 4)

Time the course is scheduled to end in military time (i.e.1600).

Host Agency

(Char, 25)

The agency that is hosting the course.

Max Size


Maximum number of students allowed to attend course.

# Scheduled (Students)


Total number of students scheduled for the course. (Display Only)



Total hours the course will be taught.



Priority for course being conducted during current fiscal year.



Dollar amount that is required for a student to attend the course.

Total Training Costs


Dollar amount that represents the total agency costs to provide the course.


(Char, 255)

Any pertinent comment regarding the scheduled course.



Link for Selecting Students for the course.



Link for Posting Course Results for the course.


Related Links