Delete Scheduled Course

Existing scheduled courses for training can be deleted.


Steps to delete Scheduled Course

  1. Left click on Training/Course Schedule from the IQS menu.

  2. Locate the course you would like to delete.  You can use the search feature and type in the course code Search feature.  
    You can also use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll between pages.  Scroll arrows
    When you have located the course you wish to delete, click on the course link, a new screen will appear.

  3. The new screen will give you information about the course you selected.  If you need to locate another course you can use the navigation tools on this page directly above the Instructors and Coordinators grid.

  4. To delete the selected course, left click on the  Delete Scheduled Course link  link at the bottom of the displayed screen.  

  5. A dialog box will appear for you to choose either OK to delete the scheduled course or Cancel to not delete.

  6. Left click on  Return to Training Course Schedule link to return to the Course Schedule main screen.


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