All IQSweb persons that are sent to ROSS must have a valid Dispatch and Provider Organization. The Dispatch/Provider tab allows the user to update the Dispatch and Provider organizations for many individuals at one time.
NOTE: The Dispatch center can only be updated for individuals that have not been registered in ROSS. Once the individual is registered in ROSS, a change to the dispatch center is only updated through the ROSS interface and that changed is received by IQS using Get Notifications. Please also reference Moving Resources between Dispatch Centers for details on steps that need completed by sending and receiving units.
1. Click the Dispatch/Provider tab. A list of all individuals in the database based on the filter values and their current Dispatch and Provider will be displayed in the grid on the right.
2. Select the Dispatch and Provider values to apply to the selected individuals. You can click the Edit list of options link to modify your reference list of Dispatch or Provider organizations.
3. Select the individuals that you would like to update with the selected Dispatch and Provider organizations. Use the Select All button to select every person in the list. Use the Clear All button
to un-select all persons in the list.
4. Click the Update Checked Records button to update the selected individuals with the Dispatch and Provider values.