IQS Menu and Sub-Menu Options

*Not all menu options may appear due to the level of access the user is granted by the system administrator.

My Persons - Sortable, searchable list of persons with links to the Person/Org and Certifications directly from each person.

Certifications  - Edit persons Certifications.




Target Positions

Task Books


Person/Org - Edit specific information such as organization levels, addresses and phone numbers about individual persons in the IQS database.

Training - Manage Workforce Needs, Scheduled Courses, Instructors and schedule students for courses and post course results.

Needs Analysis
Course Schedule


- Post results of fitness testing.

Incidents/Experience - Post experience for individuals by incident.
Refresher Training
- Post refresher training results for individuals.

Certifications – Post certifications for multiple persons


   Incident Qualification Card

   by Incident

   with Certifications   

   Check Qualification

   Dispatch and Provider

   Fitness to Expire

   Fully Qualified Personnel

   Master Record

   Needing Review

   Personnel List


   Qualified Summary

   Qualifications to Expire   

   Target Positions

   Target Prerequisites

   Task Books

   Task Books to Expire

   Update Information   
Reference Data


   Course Equivalencies   


   Incident Hazard Types   


   Job Currency

   Job Prerequisites   

   NWCG Codes


   Station Addresses


   User Org Level Access



   Course Announcement

   Course Instructors

   Courses Completed
   Courses Needed by
   Course Roster

   Course Roster History

   Instructor History
   Needs Analysis areas
   Needs Details

   Needs Summary
   Nomination Form

   Not Taken Course
   Refreshers Needed

   Training Missing
   Scheduled List



Reference Data - Maintain data that supports the IQS application


Attachment Folders



Course Equivalencies

Dispatch Organizations

Employment Statuses

Hazard Types

Incident Fuel Types

Incident Management Levels

Incident Size Classes


Jet Ports


Job Currency

Job Permissions

Job Prerequisites


Provider Organizations

Station Addresses

Teams and Crews

Training Locations



ROSS Management - Used to send updates to ROSS for resources and their qualifications.

Import Experience - Used to import assignment history experience records from ROSS into IQSweb.



Fitness to Expire – Email individual persons whose fitness will expire by a specified date.

IQS Users – Email IQS users

Qualifications to Expire – Email individual persons with qualifications to expire by a specified date for a selected position.

Refresher Training to Expire – Email individuals with refresher training to expire by a specified date for a selected course.

Task Books to Expire – Email individuals with task books expiring by a specified date for a selected position.

Training Missing – Email persons needing required training for a selected qualification.




Change Default OLA - Change a user's default Organizational Level Access (OLA).

Change Password - Change your password.

Transfer In Persons - Import a person(s) into IQS from another IQS or IQCS database.

Transfer Out Persons - Export person(s)) out of IQS.  This file can then be transferred into another IQS or IQCS database.

Export Data - Send information to the Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS).

Delete Persons - Delete several persons at one time from the database.

Cleanup - Utility used to reverse names or merge duplicates in lists such as issuers and certifiers, view dependencies, and reassign multiple persons to a new organization.

Apply Catalog Updates – Update National level data in courses, equivalencies, jobs, currencies and prerequisites.



IQSweb Settings - Edit IQSweb News shown on log in page and System Settings .

Maintain Users - Add new users and edit existing users.

Maintain User OLA - Assign Organizational Level Access to users.